They sustain us with their nutrition, heal us with their energy, awaken us with their sensual fragrances and picture-perfect elegance. This blog is a celebratory dance for the body and mind with plants: for the body there are how-tos for making oils, tinctures, teas, crafts, and snacks; for the mind there are cultural perspectives, mystical lore and scientific tidbits about the world of the Plant People. So, come foray in the green with me, and let's see what we find...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Tasty "Triple Lemon" Drink

by Elaine Johnson

          I was cruising the Sunset test garden yesterday morning and came across just the combo to throw together for a bright-tasting, super-aromatic drink to have on the stove for guests this holiday season. Lemongrass, lemon verbena, and fresh lemons all go into the mix, and it’s good as a virgin drink—like a sophisticated version of lemonade—or with a splash of brandy. (Perfect for those multi-age gatherings.)

The lemon corner in the Sunset test garden, with bushy lemon-
grass, a Eureka lemon tree, and a lemon verbena shrub.

          Here’s how it came together...

[Continued - click on "Read more" below, left]

Triple lemon toddy
1 qt. packed lemon verbena leaves
6 fresh lemongrass stalks, root ends trimmed, coarse leaves pulled off, and coarsely chopped
About 3/4 cup honey
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
Zest from 1 lemon, peeled in a long spiral
Brandy (optional)

1. Put lemon verbena and lemongrass in an 8-qt. pot and add 2 qts. water:

2. Cover pot and heat just until starting to simmer. Remove from heat and let stand 20 minutes. Strain into another pot.

3. Stir in 3/4 cup honey and the lemon juice. Taste and add more honey if you like. Add lemon zest spiral and heat until steaming. Ladle into mugs and add a splash of brandy if you like. Happy holidays!


I was cruising the Sunset test garden yesterday morning and came across just the combo to throw together for a bright-tasting, super-aromatic drink to have on the stove for guests this holiday season. Lemongrass, lemon verbena, and fresh lemons all go into the mix, and it’s good as a virgin drink—like a sophisticated version of lemonade—or with a splash of brandy. (Perfect for those multi-age gatherings.) Here’s how it came together.

The lemon corner in the Sunset test garden, with bushy lemongrass, a Eureka lemon tree, and a lemon verbena shrub.

Triple lemon toddy
1 qt. packed lemon verbena leaves
6 fresh lemongrass stalks, root ends trimmed, coarse leaves pulled off, and coarsely chopped
About 3/4 cup honey
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
Zest from 1 lemon, peeled in a long spiral
Brandy (optional)
1. Put lemon verbena and lemongrass in an 8-qt. pot and add 2 qts. water.

2. Cover pot and heat just until starting to simmer. Remove from heat and let stand 20 minutes. Strain into another pot.
3. Stir in 3/4 cup honey and the lemon juice. Taste and add more honey if you like. Add lemon zest spiral and heat until steaming. Ladle into mugs and add a splash of brandy if you like. Happy holidays!

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