They sustain us with their nutrition, heal us with their energy, awaken us with their sensual fragrances and picture-perfect elegance. This blog is a celebratory dance for the body and mind with plants: for the body there are how-tos for making oils, tinctures, teas, crafts, and snacks; for the mind there are cultural perspectives, mystical lore and scientific tidbits about the world of the Plant People. So, come foray in the green with me, and let's see what we find...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eggshell Tincture

OK, this isn't plant-related.  But I found this and had to include it here.
I never thought of making a ticture from eggshells, a great source of 
calcium.  I highly recommend visiting "WichodawoodsYouTube channel
for more "educational" vids like this!  I always learn something new there.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I have always known eggshells are great for calcium. But other than grinding them up I really didn't know a better way to consume them.
